Friday, December 5, 2008


I asked a "? of the day" a few days I know I just started this blog and only a few people visit, believe me, I only get like 10 to 20 max hits a day, I read my traffic report I get, but I hope to one day have a following, at this spoint in my life I just don't have time to write about all the stuff that is going on in my life, and I am having camera issues so I can't post my photos of my art often enough, but when I do I hope to get more followers and visitor, but in the meantime, I am going to post a question of the day, I may not do it everyday, but I hope to, I also have plans on posting some challenges, scrapbooking, cards, stamping, I need to work out the details in my mind. I have to have a plan and write it down before I can do something...even typing something out and posting it on here....
SO on to the question of the day, if you visit, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with your answer, comments make me SO HAPPy!!!

QUestion of the Day 12/5

What is your Christmas wish this year?

1 comment:

Holly Young said...

Hi Julia! I found your blog through the comments you left on mine. I'm glad you found me, and I hope you will continue to visit.
You mentioned the Precious Moments stamps; if you will e mail me your address I'd be happy to stamp you some images!
Now for your question...hmmm
let's see...My Christmas Wish would be for everyone to go visit and give digital images a try!